Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: (okay Thursday) Getty Edition


  1. Great pictures, especially that last one! It's phenomenal! I love the way the fountain frames the baby--just a terrific shot.

  2. I'm just amazed that the water isn't freezing through osmosis because it's so cold here and has been really cold since.....a really long time ago...I'm not talking hours or days...WEEKS!! Right now it's 13 and kinda windy....windchill's suck.

  3. So should any of the other 20 or so other careers you've got there prove less than thrilling, sub in photography!

  4. Love the perspective on the first photo! Looks like a giant BHB is about to turn around and lay the smackdown on the building a la "Attack of the 50 Foot Woman"
